Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)

Are you concerned your child may be experiencing Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)?

Some form of parental alienation is involved in most divorce cases where children are involved. The question becomes, how severe and pervasive is the conduct of the parent engaging in the alienation? Furthermore, how, if at all, has the child been affected? PAS occurs when one parent, in what is typically a post–divorce custody arrangement, successfully manipulates the child into turning against the other parent.

Attorney Noll is well-versed in the area of child brainwashing and Parental Alienation Syndrome. Using the assistance of a variety of psychological experts, Ms. Noll has successfully litigated the issue and affects of parental alienation on children in various custody proceedings.

Seventeen parental alienation strategies create psychological distance between the child and the targeted parent such that the relationship becomes conflict-ridden and eventually non-existent, as the child is empowered, encouraged, and/or pressured to cut the targeted parent off completely.

Each of these behaviors serve to:

  • Further the child’s cohesion and alignment with the alienating or favored parent;
  • Create psychological distance between the child and the targeted parent;
  • Intensify the targeted parent’s anger an hurt over the child’s behavior; and
  • Incite conflict between the child and the targeted parent.
A young boy sitting with his back against a red brick wall, covering his face with his arms

17 Parental Alienation Strategies:

  1. Badmouthing and/or denigrating the other parent;
  2. Limiting contacted with the other/alienated parent;
  3. Interfering with communication between the child and the targeted parent;
  4. Interfering with symbolic communication such as pictures and greeting cards;
  5. Withholding love and approval from the children;
  6. Telling the children that the targeted parent does not love them;
  7. Allowing and/or forcing the children to choose between parents;
  8. Creating the impression that the other parent is dangerous;
  9. Confiding in the children and/or encouraging that the children keep secrets from the other parent;
  10. Asking the children or supporting the children to keep secrets from the other parent;
  11. Forcing the children to reject the targeted parent;
  12. Asking the children to spy on the targeted parent;
  13. Referring to the other parent by the first name when speaking about the alienated parent;
  14. Referring to a step parent as “Mom” or “Dad” and encouraging the children to do the same;
  15. Withholding medical, social or academic information form the targeted parent and/or keeping the targeted parent’s information off of registration and/or medical forms;
  16. Changing the children’s names; and
  17. Undermining the authority of the targeted parent.


Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome – Breaking the Ties that Bind, Baker, Amy J.L.
Caught in the Middle: Protecting the Children of High-Conflict Divorce, Garrity, Carla B.
Children held Hostage, Clawar, Stanley
Co-parenting with a Toxic EX, Baker, Amy & Fine, Paul
Divorce Casualties – Protecting your children from Parental Alienation, Darnall, Douglas
Divorce Poison, Warshak, Richard
Surviving Parental Alienation, Baker, Amy & Fine, Paul


Two hands holding paper cutouts of a family holding hands

We're here to help.

Speak with compassionate family law attorneys experienced with PAS at the Law Offices of Heidi C. Noll.