Fathers and Parenting

Fathers & Parenting

As society has advanced, more mothers are entrenched in the workforce and more fathers are seeking to be meaningfully involved in their children’s lives. With new and developing child custody laws, fathers are now equally suited to share physical custody of their children and, in some cases, even become the primary custodial parent.

In Pennsylvania, there are gender-neutral factors which need to be considered by the court when awarding custody/parenting time. The level of involvement with the children prior to separation, current employment schedules and the distance between the parents’ homes are primary considerations. If your child is approximately 12 years of age or older, their parental preference is also taken into consideration.

If you have not been substantially involved in your child’s life, including, but not limited to, medical, educational, extracurricular activities and any special needs of your child, the court will not look favorably upon this. Other custodial time limiting factors may be an erratic work schedule, a significant distance between the parents’ homes, any form of abuse directed at either the mother or the children and untreated or under-treated substance abuse or mental health issues.

Client Testimonials

Shot of a little girl putting makeup on her father while playing together at home.

We're here to help you navigate the complexities of parenting as a father. Schedule a consultation with us for more information.