What is the Downside to a Prenuptial Agreement?
What is the Downside to a Prenuptial Agreement? Prenuptial agreements, which spell out in advance who gets what in the event of a divorce, are becoming more and more popular. In 2010, nearly three out of four divorce lawyers reported an increased demand for prenuptial agreements over the preceding five years. — Academy of Matrimonial
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Limited Scope Representation for Custody Cases
Limited Scope Representation for Custody Cases Often parents are concerned with the cost associated with hiring an attorney to represent them in their custody matter. Consider researching whether the attorney offers limited scope representation for your upcoming custody conference. Limited Scope Representation for Custody Conferences If you’ve received a Complaint for Custody ordering you to
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What You Should Not Be Telling Your Kids
What You Should Not Be Telling Your Kids Leaving notes for your children sounds like a productive and supportive idea at first, however; there are some things you should know if you are involved in a custody case. Every action and inaction has the potential to adversely affect your case When you are a litigant
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The Art of the Text
The Art of the Text Text messaging has become a quick and convenient mode of communication, and it’s sometimes easier to speak with someone through text than over the phone or face-to-face, especially if it’s someone you will be up against in court. Sometimes, text messages sent between litigants can be useful in custody and/or
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No-Fault Divorce: No Blame, It’s That Simple
No-Fault Divorce: No Blame, It’s That Simple What is a no-fault divorce? In Pennsylvania, no-fault divorce is basically when two people want to get divorced and neither party is blaming the other for the marriage ending. Under Pennsylvania law, if both parties are willing to divorce, a divorce decree may be obtained in as little
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Grandparent Custody Rights in Pennsylvania
Grandparent Custody Rights in Pennsylvania Contact Family Attorney Heidi Noll for help with your grandparent’s custodial rights. You’re the type of grandparent that never misses your grandchildren’s football games. You cherish the holidays as your favorite time of the year. You look forward to watching your grandchildren blow out their birthday candles. Most of all,
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