If you are considering marriage, it makes sense to protect your interests and assets before you are legally joined in matrimony. Unfortunately, statistics show that 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. Hopefully you will fall within the 50% of marriages that succeed; however, it is never a bad thing to protect yourself against a divorce.
A prenuptial agreement or a premarital agreement is a contract between two people before they are married.
Circumstances over which we have little or no control can change. A prenuptial agreement does not mean you think your marriage will end in divorce. A prenuptial agreement works much like an insurance policy that protects in the case of a divorce. A prenuptial agreement outlines the division of assets and property in the event of a divorce.
Prenuptial agreements may also include the types and amount of support or alimony that either party may be entitled to. According to Pennsylvania law, prenuptial agreements are not binding on issues of child custody and, on occasion, child support.
Whether you are somebody who wants to protect your financial interests in the event of divorce, or somebody who has been requested to sign a prenuptial agreement prior to or as a condition of marriage, Ms. Noll will thoroughly review your individual situation in order to either draft or review a fair, binding prenuptial agreement.
You should consider a pre-marital agreement if:
The Law Office of Heidi C. Noll is devoted to providing honest, ethical, and aggressive representation for our clients before they walk down the aisle.